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Seongju CountyCouncil

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Seongju County Council

Home > Function of the council > Administrative monitoring/investigation

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Administrative monitoring/investigation

Administrative monitoring/investigation

  • The council shall monitor the administration within 7 days during the 2nd regular session, based on Article 41, the Local Government Act while the investigation for a certain matter may commence with the proposal of one third of the enrolled members and resolution at the general meeting.

  • If required, the persons in charge of the matters, field survey, asking for the related documents may be asked while the attending person should testimony and be asked for speaking the opinion.

  • One who commits false testimony may be sued while the one who reject attendance or not attends the council may be subject to 5 millions won and lower of fine.

  • The Governor or the public officer related may be asked to attend the related committee, state the opinion or procedure and answer questions.

  • The administration should process the matters to be corrected without hesitation and reported to the council.