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Seongju CountyCouncil

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Seongju County Council

Home > Function of the council > Budget settlement

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Budget settlement

budget settlement

Budget is a kind of household of the residents in Seongju for a year.

The budget plan is organized by the Governor, deliberated and confirmed by the council while the settlement is executed by the Governor and approved by the council. The council shall go through the strict deliberation and resolution procedure not to waste the tax amount from the residents.

Civil applicant

Budget processing

  1. Organization and submission of budget plan(Governor)
    Submitted 40 days before the next financial year
  2. General review(special committee on budget & settlement)
    • The council may not allow any new accountor increase amount of expenditure without permission of the Governor
    • The Govenor should submit the budget plan an may prepare and submit modified one if the content is to be moddified due to inavoidable reasons.
  3. It is adopted via the deliberation and resolution at the general meeting
    • Resolution 10 days before a new financial year starts(Dec. 21st)
    • The chairperson should transfer the resolved budget to the Governor within 3 days
  4. Confirmation
    The Governor should notify the budget plan transferred from the council without hesitation

Settlement approval procedure

  1. Submission
    Received by the secretary general
  2. Receipt of petition
    • a matter of intervention into a hearing
    • a matter of defilement against the President
    • a matter of defilement against the chairperson or a member
    • an application duplicate submitted twice and more(the latter one)

      an application submitted and being processed to two and more institutions by a same person If the name, address and contentsof an applicant

      (the representative if plural) are not clear (abolishment)

  3. It is adopted via the deliberation and resolution at the general meeting

    The matters pertinent to the authority of Major is transferred to Major with the letter of opinion on the petition