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Seongju CountyCouncil

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Seongju County Council

Home > Council Members > The term and Duties

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The term and Duties

The term and duties of county council members the membership term of county members is 4 years, and they are performing their duties diligently.

The duties of county council members

  • The duty to attend the meeting and devote himself/herself to the council work.
  • The duty to keep the integrity and dignity.
  • The duty to take up the member of the council.
  • The duty to take preference of the public good.
  • The duty to observe the rules.
  • The duty to observe the disciplinary action.
  • The duty not to take profits or mediate related with property by abusing his/her position.

The membership term of county council members.

The membership of the member of the county council is 4 years and it begins from the next day of the former member's expiration date.
But, the expiration date of the member of the county council who was elected by the by-election starts from the date the election is confirmed and ends on the former member's expiration date.