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Seongju CountyCouncil

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Seongju County Council

Home > Function of the council > Procedure of proceedings

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Procedure of proceedings

Procedure of proceedings

  1. Proposal(presentation)
    one fifth of the enrolled members or the director of local government(ordinance, budget, consent∕approval)
  2. Reporting to the general meeting
    forwarding and reporting during closing or recession
  3. Laying∕review∕resolution at the general meeting
    if and agenda requiring budget is resolved, it should be asked for the related director of local government to atted in advance, at least, 10 days
  4. Reconsideration within 20 days after forwarding
  5. Transfer to the director of local government
    transfer within 5 days after the date of resolution(within 3 days in case of budget)
  6. Proclamation(director of local government)
    in case of ordinance(proclaimed within 20 days)
  7. Receipt of proclamation notification(council)
  8. If any reconsidered agenda is violated
  9. Instituting to a court(widthin 20 days)